Situated in the midst of a thriving and lively downtown, the Little Art Theatre in Yellow Springs, Ohio is one of America’s oldest cinematic treasures. As a single-screen, independent, nonprofit enterprise, it has a proud tradition of showing some of the finest art, independent, documentary and Hollywood films for more than 80 years.
During those 80 years, the theatre has never had a major remodel. Facing extinction as major film producers turn to exclusively digital production, in addition to acquiring the funding necessary to purchase a digital projection and sound system, the nonprofit decided to pursue a complete remodeling. A full-fledged campaign has met its goal, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Part of that success relied upon a campaign identity, with print materials — including brochures, stationery, posters, postcards, and pledge forms — as well as on-screen advertising. All print materials were two-color, saving the campaign several hundred dollars compared to the cost of 4-color.
A distinctive and exciting look + Consistent implementation across a variety of materials and media = Successful campaign identity design