To a large extent, Web design depends on knowledge and execution of programming. But programming expertise without a mastery of communication adds up to a website that just doesn’t work. You need both. I know and use HTML and CSS, but I generally turn to experts to fulfill the initial programming structure of websites that I develop. In this way, I can concentrate on the communications aspect of a site. However, because I understand the programming involved, I prepare designs  that work — and that take advantage of the best capabilities of the web.

As an analogy: in the work that I do for print, I certainly do not provide the printing. But, I understand the printing process and make certain that the work I’m preparing for that process is appropriately executed. It’s a bit like remodeling your home; you may do most of the work yourself, but, if you’re intelligent, you will bring in an electrician or a plumber to address those aspects of your project.

Above: Website of the Pioneer America Society, a national, not-for-profit organization that encourages the study and preservation of buildings, sites, structures and objects representing North American history, cultural landscapes and material culture. Visit the site (opens in a new window).